1. The School hours are 9.00 am to 3.30 pm
2. The diary must be brought to school daily, pages should not be torn off from it; it should not be used as rough exercise
3. Pupils should attend school regularly, in case of absence due to unavoidable reasons, leave letter should be produced.
4. In case a parent/guardian desires to take his child home during class hours he might do so only with the permission of
    the principal.
5. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their own books and other belongings.
6. Any damage done to School property or the belongings of other pupils will have to be made good.
7. No pupil should wear jewellery or any valuable ornaments while at the school.
8. Every pupil should keep himself/ herself clean and tidy. Pupils shall keep the classroom and the school permises clean.
9. Children suffering from intense / contagious diseases are not allowed to attend the class.
10. Pupils from one class are not allowed to be in other classes.
11. Books, periodicals or newspapers other than those permitted should not be brought to the school.
12. Exchange of articles and money transactions between students are not allowed.
13. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence of school work, dishonesty, misconduct in or outside school will invite disciplinary action including dismissal from the school.
14. Every pupil must show respect to all the staff members of the school, the elders and visitors.
15. Promotion to the next higher class will be decided on the basis of the student’s performance in the tests examintions mainly the summative assesment IInd as well as attendance and conduct.