Hira Masjid (Santhivayal)

Hira Masjid (Santhivayal)

The nucleus of The Al Furqan Institutions and Al Furqan Academy of Advanced Studies.  Base of the proposed Reference Library, and waiting for further enhancement as a High Tech Digital Library for the Academy.

Al Furqan English Higher Secondary School

Al-Furqan English Higher Secondary School

Changes in the field of academics are a never ending process; hence, the infrastructure of the school/classrooms is subject to tremendous changes, according to the changing needs of the society.  Renovations of classrooms, play ground, technology, equipment etc., are required on par with the advancement and implementation of technology in classrooms and outside.

Higher Secondary Block (School campus)

New Block (School campus)

Pending renovation works for allocation of rooms for various departments, fully equipped Science labs, Library and Computer lab.

Masjidul Furqan (School campus)

Masjidul Furqan (School campus)

The campus masjid, which caters the needs of the students of this school and people of neighborhood.  Facilities could be improved as per the changing strength of the student population.

Darushafeeh-li-tha’aleemil Qur’an (Kolappuram)

Darushafeeh-li-tha’aleemil Qur’an (Kolappuram)

Purely dedicated for Qur’an studies and allied activities.  It is situated at Kolappuram, adjacent to Masjidul Falah.  The centre is subject to further development as a full fledged Qur’an learning centre, which could be reliable to the people of all walks of life, who seek Qur’an learning.

Masjidul Falah (Kolappuram)

Masjidul Falah (Kolappuram)

 Convenient and easily accessible Masjid on National Highway 17, at Calicut Airport Road Junction.  It could meet the needs of all people of neighborhood and especially travelers of all walks of life with full facilities to women for prayer.  A two storied building, may need additional stories in immediate future..

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